When life hands you lemons…

In the last 24 hours I was hit with some information that I was completed blindsided from. I’ve been Amara’s Apothecary since the Spring of 2021. I have my DBA registered in NY since then and the following information was not shared with me, I had to learn it on my own almost 3 years in the making.

I decided it was finally time to bite the bullet and become an LLC. During my research, I came across some information that made me realize I’d been doing things a little wrong. Nothing huge but enough that will keep me busy for awhile. Not to bore you with details but long story short, I have not been bookkeeping the the fullest extent (those who know me are not shocked by this tidbit of info). I can easily find the information I need but it’s going to take some work. But that wasn’t all…

I also found out that in the state of NY, the term “Apothecary” cannot be used unless I am indeed a pharmacy or pharmaceutical company licensed with the state of NY. That indeed I am not! In fact, doing so is considered a misdemeanor in NY. I panicked and I was grumpy for an afternoon thinking of all the things I’m going to have to do. I have to change all my labels, get new signage, send emails to my loyal customers, change my social media accounts, print new business cards… as silly as it sounds, I was super pissed because my friend just made me a beautiful QR code slate and now I can’t use the darn thing. Small beans, I know, but I feel like I’ve lost my identity that I’ve had for almost 3 years now.

But that’s the thing, it’s small beans. Good news is, I was never reported, I was never charged with a misdemeanor and with a little time and a whole lotta effort, Amara’s Apothecary will be soon be Amara’s Alchemy. Thank goodness for great friends with amazing imaginations because I’d otherwise be Amara’s OneStop HerbalShop…how cheesy is that!?!?

Please be patient while I switch things over. Right now my website is not working. I think it just has to be approved but I am not tech savvy so I may have actually broken the internet. I’m going to be patient for the next 24 hours before I start emailing the powers that be to figure out if I did something wrong. If you’d like to shop before things get ironed out, feel free to email or text me. I’m still hard at work, NOTHING will stop me!


Spring Fever